Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Relationship Advice - Happily Dating

Relationship Advice 101 - Happily Dating

Being in a relationship can be a joyous occasion. It also takes great work, sacrifice, time, honesty and flexibility. There are two people involved and it will be a lot of give and take. As women, we put a lot of emphasis on having a relationship, being married and having a significant other. This is because we are nurturers by nature. The key to being in a healthy relationship is being real with yourself. How can you give the best love to another person without self love. Take out the time to be honest with yourself. Stand in the mirror and give yourself a good look over. Do you like the person who is staring back at you? If not, take out the time to improve yourself, mind, body and soul. What is it you feel you deserve? You deserve the best that this life has to offer you. What are you thoughts? Are they good and upward bound? Do you feel you deserve to be in a healthy relationship? Once you have the love in your heart for yourself you can start to think about incorporating another person. Physical appearance is not everything. People want to know what are you made of? Are you loving, kind and compassionate? In the event that you are waiting to meet that special someone, please do not sit around but get busy. I also hear women complain that there are "no" good men out there. But we must be honest with our self. How is our mood? What type of energy are you putting out? Men and women gravitate to a happy person. No one wants to be around a negative personality. Light attracts light and like attracts like. What is your daily routine? Going to work and home will not cut it! Get out and about. Go to a book store, a coffee shop, go to a poetry night, open mic, karaoke bar. The more you get out the more chances are that you will meet someone. Be open to looks, personality and even race. He or she may not come packaged how you thought. In closing, be open, be flexible, be positive and be free. Expect the unexpected and as always expect the best. Happy dating!!!


Tammi C. Walker, Life Coach

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